
Miquel García Lleó – ESR 14 @GXT-UNIBO
Miquel was born in 1997 in Valencia, Spain. After three years of his bachelor’s degree in Chemistry at the University of Valencia, he moved to ECPM (École de Chimie, Polymères et Matériaux) in Strasbourg to complete a double program degree in Chemical Engineering and Nanotechnology.
As an undergraduate, he spent four months working on thiol functionalization for microfluidic devices under the supervision of Michelle Van Heteren at Micronit Microtechnologies. His Master thesis was carried out at the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology in Luxembourg, under the supervision of Dr. Sebastjan Glinšek. His research focused on electroactive polymer printing for flexible electronics.
Currently, he is carrying out his Ph.D. at the Graphene-XT under the supervision of Dr. Simone Ligi.