
Aliaa Sayed Hassan – ESR 15 @AIMPLAS-TUM
Aliaa Hassan has received her B.Sc. in Chemistry (2016) at Ain Shams University (Egypt) and M.Sc. in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (2020) at Universität Siegen (Germany). Aliaa has interdisciplinary interests and her scientific research experience covers Green chemistry, Surface engineering, Nano-optoelectronic devices, and ultrafast laser spectroscopies. During her B.Sc., she joined the Energy Material laboratory at American University in Cairo, where she worked toward the development of photocatalytic materials for Carbon dioxide reduction and water splitting. During her M.Sc. she joined EASITrain & Aries research programs at the Coating Technology Group at Universität Siegen, where she focused on surface treatments for copper samples for use in superconducting RF cavities. Aliaa did her M.Sc. thesis at Nanooptoelectronic materials and interfaces group at Max-Planck Institute for Polymer Research. Her M.Sc. thesis highlighted the ultrafast charge carrier dynamics at Gr/WS2 heterostructure using THz spectroscopy. After Aliaa’s graduation, she joined the Ultrafast Dynamics in Nanoscale Systems at Institut Català de Nanociència i Nanotecnologia (Spain), she worked on the fabrication of THz nanodevices and stacked exfoliated 2D heterostructures devices. Aliaa is now a Marie Curie Ph.D. fellow at the R&D engineering group at AIMPLAS (Spain) and the Chair of Biogenic Functional Materials at TUM (Germany). Aliaa’s contribution in STiBNite project is focusing on the large area deposition of BNC-based 2D layered materials for optoelectronic devices.