
Luca M. Cavinato – ESR 9 @TUM
Luca M. Cavinato got his B.Sc. in Chemistry and Chemical Technologies and his M.Sc. in Industrial Chemistry at the University of Torino respectively in 2017 and 2019. His Bachelor thesis is entitled “Industrial application of mechanochemistry”. During the Master studies he worked on the synthesis and characterization of new photo- and electro-luminescent materials under the supervision of Prof. Barolo. He also joined an International Exchange program (Erasmus+) between University of Torino and IMDEA Materials Institute, Madrid. The success and relevance of his Master thesis entitled “Synthesis and characterization of novel emitters for Light-emitting Electrochemical Cells with cellulose acetate as matrix” are supported by one award (“Thasar 2020 Award” by Società Chimica Italiana) and 2 submitted papers. After one year of work experience as Research Associate at IMDEA Materials Institute he moved to Germany where he is currently a PhD fellow of H2020 MSCA-ITN STiBNite program at the Chair of Biogenic functional Materials at the Technical University of Munich under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Costa. His research activity focuses on the study and development of innovative organic and organometallic materials with photovoltaic and electroluminescent properties, with special emphasis to sustainability.