Academic Beneficiaries

University of Vienna (UNIVIE)
The University of Vienna is the largest Austrian research institution hosting 6,800 academics within 15 faculties and five centers, dedicated to both basic and applied research. Furthermore, 16 research platforms have been established to promote especially innovative interdisciplinary research projects. The University also houses the greatest amount of research infrastructure in Austria and provides a full range of project management support services to project staff through the Research Services and Finance Departments, in addition to specific support services e.g. ethics and Open Access. Early career researchers receive particular support for public engagement activities. The Research Services and Career Development department offers a variety of public engagement training and transferable skills courses, including workshops on social media for researchers, science slams and podcasts. These training opportunities are offered in cooperation with local stakeholders such as the Science-Center Network. For early career researchers, the University of Vienna also regularly organizes science communication activities in cooperation with Austrian media (e.g. the photo competition “My research in one Picture” in cooperation with the national newspaper Falter). The University also actively supports both early career and senior researchers in designing and realizing their own public engagement projects. This includes facilitating contact to external partners such as the Technical Museum Vienna and local TV stations.
Contact person: Univ.-Prof. Davide Bonifazi, PhD

University of Perugia (UNIPG)
The University of Perugia (UNIPG) was founded in 1308 offering degrees in Law and General Arts. Today, research, education and consulting activities in the various disciplines are organized in 16 Departments, with about 23,500 students, 1,100 professors and researchers and 1,000 staff members. The Department of Chemistry, Biology and Biotechnology (DCBB) of the University of Perugia is playing a key role in the scientific research of the Chemical Area and in the recent National Evaluation, DCBB ranked first among the mid-size Department of Chemical Sciences in Italy. In 2019, DCBB has been officially ranked among Italian Departments of Excellence being funded 8,675 million euros for the period 2018-2022. DCBB research will be aimed at becoming an international reference center in the field of molecular aspects of sustainability with its research project AMIS – An Integrated Molecular Approach for Sustainable Development. DCBB offers 6 different teaching programs attracting ca. 2000 students per year (150 of which for Chemistry studies). It offers a EuroBSc program in Chemistry and a EuroMaster program in Chemical Sciences with two international curricula. One of them, “Environmental and Sustainable Chemistry” allows achieving a double degree with the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. In addition, DCBB offers two international PhD programs, one in Chemical Sciences and another in Biotechnology. STiBNite PI, Luigi Vaccaro, is the Coordinator of the PhD Program in Chemical Sciences.
Contact person: Luigi Vaccaro

Leiden University (ULEI)
The Faculty of Science of Leiden University teaches more than 2,600 students in the context of 8 bachelor’s and 11 master’s programs. Working at the Faculty of Science means being part of an exciting, dynamic scientific environment which sets high standards for its students, staff and support staff alike. The chemistry and life science research in the Leiden Institute of Chemistry (LIC) is organized around two major research areas: ‘Chemical Biology’ and ‘Energy & Sustainability’. Our environment and quality of life is largely determined by chemistry, therefore research at the forefront of molecular and life sciences is of utmost importance for our future. For example, the next generation of solar cells or batteries relies on smart chemical solutions. Knowledge of catalysis, synthesis and biological processes on the molecular scale will enable us to discover novel processes and products that range from new materials to pharmaceuticals. The institute’s research themes illustrate the central position of chemistry between biology, medicine and physics. The various research topics carried out within these themes are ideal for executing interdisciplinary research.
Contact person: Irene Groot

Université catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain)
Founded in 1425, UCLouvain is one of Europe’s oldest universities, with more than 30,000 students. UCLouvain is a key player in fundamental research in Belgium, in Europe and worldwide and is also an official partner of the Graphene Flagship. In the Institute of Condensed Matter and Nanosciences of UCLouvain, the research group of Prof. J.-C. Charlier has well versed in fundamental aspects of ab initio, atomistic and property modelling and is strongly involved in the prediction of transport properties of low-dimensional systems (including graphene, other 2D systems and vdW heterostructures), based on its expertise in first-principles simulations for more than twenty-five years. UCLouvain also developed specific expertise in nano-fabrication, device process, microsystem integration and physical characterization that will be the heart of the project (Prof. S. Melinte).
Contact person: Jean-Christophe Charlier

Technical University of Munich (TUM)
The Technical University of Munich (TUM) is characterized by a unique profile with its core domains natural sciences, engineering, life sciences and medicine. The institutional strategy is focused on strengthening the excellence of disciplinary core competences in research, teaching and learning, but is also targeted towards the promotion of ground-breaking, interdisciplinary research. TUM is committed toward the major challenges facing society in the 21st century in areas such as energy, climate, and environment, natural resources, health and nutrition, communication and information, mobility and infrastructure. The student body of TUM is currently more than 41,000 students and is constantly rising. TUM is regularly among the best national performers in international rankings. For the fifth time in a row, TUM took the first place among the German universities in the renowned QS World University Ranking (rank 55 worldwide). Looking at the contributions published in the particularly renowned academic journals of the “Nature” Group and the “Science” Group, TUM is positioning itself as number 42 and 1st in Germany. TUM was ranked 6th in the Global University Employability Ranking in which companies worldwide evaluate the quality of university graduates. The World University Ranking has rated the Technical University of Munich as one of the four best technical universities in Europe. TUM placed second in comparison to all other universities in Germany and was ranked number 43 worldwide. And according to the ranking published by the news agency Reuters, TUM has been ranked 7th among Europe’s most innovative universities. With its institutional strategy “TUM. The Entrepreneurial University”, TUM has been among the first three German universities in 2006 to be successful in all three funding lines of the German Excellence Initiative. In 2012 and 2019, TUM has again secured the title “University of Excellence”. That makes TUM the only technical university to be placed among the winners in every round since the inception of the federal and state-level excellence competition in 2006. TUM is member of the EuroTech Universities Alliance which was founded in 2006 and brings together six top-class universities (DTU, TU/e, EPFL, L´X, The Technion and TUM). Together they are committed to finding technical solutions which address the major challenges of modern society. Their intensive collaboration across research, education & innovation support the EU’s goal of smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.
Contact person: Wilhelm Auwärter, Ruben Costa

University of Groningen (RUG)
The University of Groningen is proud to be among the global elite with a classification in the top 100 of the Shanghai ARWU and the THE World University Rankings. Founded 405 years ago, it is the 2nd oldest university in the Netherlands, and counts 2 Nobel Prize winners among its (former) staff, Frits Zernike (Nobel Prize in Physics 1953) and Ben Feringa (Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2016). The University of Groningen the only Dutch University, which delivers both general and engineering degrees. More than 30,000 students are enrolled in the >100 MSc (>90 taught in English) and 48 BSc programmes (>33 taught in English), including almost 7,000 international students and more than 2,200 enrolled in PhD programmes. One third of its 3,500 academic staff is international and >25% is female. The Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials was ranked as one of the ten best materials research institutes in the world (Nr. 1 in Europe) according to Times Higher Education. The institute’s mission is the design and scientific study of materials for functionality. The strength of Zernike lies in focused, curiosity-driven, symbiotic studies of functional materials involving researchers from physics, chemistry and biology, mainly working in nanoscience and nanotechnology. The ca. 290 staff (30 PIs, 48 postdocs, 187 PhD students and 21 support staff, 25% female, 13 different countries of origin) covers the whole chain from synthesizing materials, building devices, characterizing materials and devices, and investigating the theoretical foundation of their properties.
Contact person: Petra Rudolf

University of Trieste (UNITS)
The University of Trieste is 3rd among to the medium size (10.000-20.000 enrolled students) Italian Universities, and 6th of the 51 Italian Universities (total score) according to CENSIS and it has been classified 5th Italian University by RUR – Round World University Ranking 2019. Moreover, UNITS hosts many spin off (4th of the Italian Universities). According to the U.S. News – Best Global University Ranking 2017 it is the 5th Italian institutions and 48 of its scientists are present in the Top Italian Scientists 2017 list. The Chemical and Pharmaceutical Chemistry Department (DSCF) at UNITS ranks among the top-ten chemical departments in Italy. It enrolls 51 permanent staff and about 50 non-permanent ESR (PhD students, postdocs, etc.) involved in several research lines ranging from classical chemistry (organic, inorganic, medicinal, analytical, computational) to supramolecular chemistry and nanotechnologies. In the Department are active the PhD School in Chemistry (together with the University of Venice) and the PhD School in Nanotechnology. The latter is partner of PCAM, the International network “Physical and Chemistry of Advanced Materials”, to which also UAM belongs.
Contact person: Tatiana Da Ros, Paolo Tecilla

AIMPLAS, Technological Institute of Plastics located in Valencia, is a private, non-profit association with more than 500 associated companies created in 1990. AIMPLAS is formed by +170 highly skilled professional, more than 65% with a Masters, Engineering or equivalent degree in Chemistry, polymer engineering, materials engineering or equivalent, including 22 PhD. AIMPLAS’ fields of work are related to technological research and development on thermoplastic and thermosetting plastic materials & products, its transformation processes and their recyclability and sustainability. AIMPLAS generates new knowledge and technologies that can be transferred to companies in order to help them to increase their effectiveness and competitiveness. AIMPLAS has 9,000 m2 state-of-the-art facilities, including thermoplastics and thermoset pilot plants, analysis and testing laboratories (physical-mechanical, chemical, packaging, automotive and construction) and training areas. AIMPLAS is member of several international networks and organisations, as ECP4, AESICOM or BIC and standardisation committees (ISO and CEN). AIMPLAS has a broad expertise in the fields of recycling, compatibilization, reactive extrusion, biopolymers and renewable source materials, special assisted processing technologies and nanocomposites, gained during the last years in the frame of EU and national projects.
Contact person: Begoña Galindo
non-Academic Beneficiaries

Applied Nanolayers BV (ANL)
Applied Nanolayers B.V. (ANL) was founded in 2012 and is a foundry dedicated to the production and integration of 2D materials. To this end ANL uses 200 mm wafer technology and its own CVD systems, transfer systems and processes. ANL aims to be the supplier of choice for graphene and other 2D materials and to fully integrate and automate the production based on wafer scale processes.
Contact person: Dr. Richard van Rijn

Graphene-XT srl (GXT)
Since Q1 2016, Graphene-XT produces on industrial scale coating based on proprietary graphene technology. The company also industrializes graphene deposition via ink-jet and rotogravure printing on a wide range of substrates at low curing temperature. Our technology is based on proprietary graphene water suspensions production, on a scale of ~100 L/day using a green chemistry approach. Graphene-XT can use different systems to produce as it is or functionalize nanoparticles; the company strategy is to apply the DEVELOPPING CHAIN to every idea or prototype in order to easy scale the laboratory production to pilot or industrial scale. We dedicate a significant amount of our efforts to research activities to test application of nanotechnologies in different fields such as: a) coatings to improve electrical conductivity; b) coating for friction reduction; c) coatings to improve thermal conductivity; d) graphene functionalization for sensing application; e) coating for gas barrier properties; and f) graphene functionalization for gas separation membranes. These activities are often developed in collaboration with various academic structures such as the University of Bologna, the University of Trieste, the National Research Council.
Contact person: Simone Ligi